Welcome to Whiteriver Cavaliers
I am a passionate preservation breeder who enjoys showing. When I breed, it is always with the intent to keep something for myself from the breeding. It is to my benefit, therefore, to be as careful as possible regarding health issues. I only deal with other reputable breeders that I believe are trustworthy regarding health issues, to the best of their knowledge. Many hours go into planning my breedings. I am dedicated to breeding for health, temperament, structure, and type.
My dogs are raised in my home, located in Hesperia, MI, and they are a part of my family. I am very proud that many of my dogs have gone on to become therapy dogs thanks to the work of their dedicated owners.

I am an active board member of the Great Lakes Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club. I have served on the board in several positions over the years. I am also a member of the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club.
Welcome to Whiteriver Caveliers